I started fixing my own surfboards the summer of 2019. My longboard received a mystery ding, a quite grave one at that, and my buddy’s dad who shaped and usually fixed my boards (Mark Mehran of “HotRodSurf”) was unable to fix my board in the time I needed before I went off to college. Instead, he sold me a surfboard repair kit and, with the exception of some airbrushing and one leashplug installation, I’ve been fixing my own boards ever since.
When COVID broke out and sent me back home to San Diego, my friend Brittyn reached out to me who was interested in buying some older, beat-up surfboards for cheap and restoring them. She ended up bringing me a 7’6 Aloha Australia tri-fin and a 10’0 G&S Larry Mabile, becoming my first ever customer. That was June 2020. Nowadays, I’m taking in boards for my friends but am focusing primarily on shaping. Sometimes, I want to go full on with MaxDoesDings. Other times I’m just plain itchy.